Pastor Chuck Reich and Overcomers TV OvercomersTV.Live Interview #456 Streamed live on Jan. 27, 2025 Phillip Buttram Interview - Gospel Tract Society - OvercomersTV.Live #456 Our core values began by Lester Buttram in 1926 remain today. We still print and distribute God’s Word through the printed page and make these materials available to anyone who can genuinely use them — and we still rely on financial gifts from our constituents to continue our operations. And this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith...
President of Gospel Tract Society Phillip Buttram Interviews on Overcomers.TV and Answering The Call TV with Pastor Chuck Reich
Gospel Tract Society – “TO ALL THE WORLD ….. TO EVERY CREATURE ….. THROUGH THE PRINTED PAGE” - founded 1926 by Lester L Buttram - Dad was called by God to “Print My Word!” while being trained to go to China as a missionary - Located/mail – PO Box 1118 independence MO 64051 - 501(c)(3) non-denomination, religious, non-profit MO Corporation - Mission is to provide Gospel Seeds for salvation to the workers in the Harvest Field and to minster encouragement and teaching to the Body of Jesus Christ - Over 800 titles of tracts, comic books, activity book, and poems - Web page - - Email - [email protected] - Phone (816) 461-6086 PLB - Three older brothers – three younger sisters - Director since 2014 - Electronic Engineer – Airline Pilot – Writer – Military Vet – Advertising Director
AuthorGospel Tract Society Radio and TV Interviews Archives
January 2025